1. GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP WILL PREVAIL AT ALL TIMES. No coaching will be allowed. Any coaching will be considered poor sportsmanship. Continued poor sportsmanship can result in disqualification.


  2. When racking your own balls, the balls are racked in a triangle at the foot of the table with the 8-Ball in the center of the triangle along with the stripes and solids in a random, mixed up, order.
  3. The object of the game is to make one group of numbered object balls (either stripes or solids) and then sink the 8-ball which wins the game.
  4. Scoring: Winner of the flip has the choice to be home or visitor on the score sheet.


  2. The winner of the game will receive 8 points. The loser will receive 1 point for each of his object balls which have been pocketed.
  3. In the case of an absent player the dummy score will be *3 points per round. If a player is present when the match begins and misses any succeeding games, he will receive 0 points for the games missed.
  4. If the game ends and the group of balls has not been determined (8-ball is pocketed early) the loser will receive points for the group which has the least balls pocketed.
  5. If a dummy score is used the points will be given to whatever name appears on the score sheet.
  6. The team with the most accumulated points after the match is completed is the winner. In the event of a tie in total points the team with the most “8’s” will win. If the points and “8’s” are tied then each team has to pick one player to facilitate a play-off.
  7. **The home team score sheet will be official and it is the visiting captain’s responsibility to verify scores.


  2. The breaker must drive 3 object balls to a cushion or pocket one or more object balls. Failure to do so is a foul and requires a re-rack. Their opponent then has the option of breaking.
  3. When spotting the cue ball for a break shot or positioning the cue ball after a **FOUL ON THE BREAK, the player shall position the cue ball **FULLY BEHIND THE HEAD STRING. The opposing player must inform the shooting player of improper positioning of the cue ball before the shot is made or the shot is considered legal.
  4. If one or more balls of each group (stripes or solids is made on the break), the table is still open and the breaker must shoot again and attempt to legally pocket **ANY BALL to determine the player’s group of balls. If they legally pocket a ball the player then continues shooting at that group of balls so long as the player legally pockets a ball on each shot.
  5. Any object ball (except the 8-ball) knocked off the table while breaking will be spotted. Making the 8-ball or knocking it off the table on the break is a re-rack. Scratching while making the 8-ball on the break will be a re-rack and the same player will break.
  6. If the player breaking the racked balls does not make any balls, the opponent then shoots, having an open table.


  2. The table is always open immediately after the break.
  3. On an open table the player can shoot at either group of balls. The first ball can be pocketed by a direct hit from the cue ball or by any combination of balls including a stripe or the 8-ball to make a solid or the 8-ball to make a stripe. The 8-ball can be used in a combination on an open table.


  2. On all shots after the break shot, the player must, before each shot, call the ball number and indicate into which pocket it is being played. If the opponent does not hear, or is not clear on the shooter’s call, he must ask for clarification before the shot is made. If he does not ask for clarification the call is considered made and legal. Failure to call the ball to the pocket will result in loss of turn but

will not constitute a foul. While the shooter must indicate into which pocket he is playing the 8-ball, an 8-ball patch is not necessary.


  1. PLAY
  3. Any contact of the stick and cue ball will be considered a shot (UNLESS POSITIONING THE CUE BALL BEFORE THE BREAK!)
  4. All balls pocketed, legally or not, remain pocketed. Any object ball knocked off the table will be handled as follows:

(a) If the ball is the shooter’s ball it will be spotted on the foot spot, or

(b) If the ball is the opponent’s ball it will be dropped in a pocket. EXCEPTION: If a ball is accidentally knocked into a pocket the opponent will have the option of having the ball put back on the table. The player who knocked the ball into the pocket will put the money in the table to retrieve the ball.

  1. Each player continues to shoot, so long as the player pockets a ball legally.
  2. If any part of any object ball is in the kitchen, the ball is considered in the kitchen.
  3. Frozen ball to rail: if a ball is frozen to a rail, the shooter must be notified before the player shoots. When playing such a shot, the player must contact the frozen ball and:

(a) pocket the frozen ball, or

(b) cause the frozen ball to contact another rail, or

(c) cause another ball to contact a cushion, or

(d) cause the cue ball to contact the frozen ball and then contact another cushion.

Failure to do so is a foul.

  1. The game is over when the balls stop moving on the winning shot and is scored with all balls then down.
  2. Raising the cue above the armpit while attempting masse shots is illegal. Scoop shots and jump shots are also illegal. Doing so is a foul.
  3. There must be one foot on the floor while attempting a shot. Failure to do so is loss of turn.
  4. Parts of rules 7 and 8 will be modified as necessary if player is handicapped or when using an artificial bridge.
  5. PUSH SHOT FOULS: It is a foul if the cue ball is pushed by the cue tip with contact being maintained for more than the momentary time commensurate with a stroked shot. (Such shots are usually referred to as push shots.) With a cue and object ball frozen, shooting the shot from any angle other that at least 45 degrees above, or at least 45 degrees to the right or to the left of center from the straight line of the frozen balls is a foul and must be so called.
  6. FOULS BY DOUBLE HITS: It is a foul if the cue ball is struck more than once on a shot by the cue tip (such shots are usually referred to as double hits). If the cue ball has left initial contact with the cue tip and then is struck a second time in the course of the same shot, it shall be a FOUL.


  2. Knocking the cue ball off the table, scratching the cue ball or touching a moving cue ball while shooting the 8-ball is an automatic loss of game. (Must be called before the next game begins.)
  3. Except on the break, the 8-ball knocked off the table or pocketed before its time or made in any pocket other than the one called is an automatic loss of game.
  4. Committing a foul while pocketing the 8-ball is loss of game except failure to hit the 8-ball when shooting at it is a foul but NOT loss of game.
  5. Fouling after the 8-ball is pocketed but before the other balls have stopped moving is a loss of game.


  2. On all shots the player must strike one of the player’s group of balls first and then either (a) pocket the object ball, or (b) cause the cue ball or any other ball to contact a rail. Failure to do so constitutes a foul.
  3. When making a legal safety shot you do not continue shooting.



Fouls may be called only by the opposing player and must be called before the next shot is taken. There is no such thing as an automatic foul. The following result in fouls:

(a) failure to take a legal shot as noted above, or

(b) shooting the cue ball into pocket or

(c) shooting the cue ball off the table, or

(d) scratching the cue ball on legal break, or

(e) touching ball before it stops moving, or

(f) shooting out of turn, or

(g) accidentally moving the cue ball (see note below), or

(h) other infractions noted in these rules.

Note: Accidentally moving an object ball is not a foul. The opponent may replace the ball to its original spot or leave it where it rests. Unless the moved ball (or balls) make contact with the cue ball or any moving object ball. Then it is a foul and the object balls remain where they rest. If the ball is knocked into a pocket, quarters can be put into the table to retrieve the ball. A player may not use a ball as part of their bridge.


  2. Only the player involved may call a foul. After the foul, the player has the option of placing the cue ball ** ANYWHERE ON THE TABLE.
  3. A player must stop shooting when a foul is called and resume shooting after the opponent’s turn.
  4. If a player refuses to yield to a foul call, the opponent must stop the game and notify the tournament official.


  2. In the event of a player being caused to foul due to natural bar behavior (i.e. being bumped while in the act of shooting by a patron) the following may be done:

(a) the balls may be placed as nearly as possible to the original position, or

(b) if the two players involved cannot agree on the position of the balls, the game will be re-

racked and replayed.


  2. All players must be sanctioned and be able to produce a picture I.D. and proof of a minimum of **5 different weeks shot this season on five different nights with the same team.
  3. Anyone participating in any NDTA State events, including side tournaments, must be 21 or older to enter.
  4. Players must be available to play when their match is called. Tournament officials will use their discretion and may call a forfeit on absent players. Any Forfeit after the 1st round will not qualify you for the Loser Out Division!!
  5. Tournament officials can at any time call a foul on a player for unsportsmanlike conduct or unnecessary delay of game. Abuse of equipment, poor sportsmanship or unethical conduct, as judged by the referee or tournament official may constitute a foul and may be grounds for forfeiture of game, forfeiture of match, expulsion from tournament, expulsion from tournament site, expulsion from future tournaments, forfeiture of funds and future prosecution.


***The NDTA will reserve the right to refuse participation to anyone.